Bio - Fabian Bastianelli
Bio - Fabian Bastianelli


It’s not easy to write a short biography avoiding the egotic trap of pride.

I like new experiences, new activities. Here, I only let some essential moments in link with shiatsu, meditation, asian roots.

Around 13 years old, in the family library, I discover some books  about buddhism, asian therapeutical practices and differents philosophies. I dive in this as I was reading Bob Morane novels.

In 1994, I’ve 20 years old, I pushed the doors of the tibetan institute Yeunten Ling (Huy) nearby. I step from théory to practice under the benevolent gaze of Lama Karta.

In 2000, my aïkido teacher presented me shiatsu and zen meditation. I met Yuichi Kawada, founder of Yoseido Shiatsu Academy in Brussels, he accepted me as a student. I followed him for 10 years, as students, 5 years as assistant ans 3 as teacher.

Kawada Senseï will teach me the deep roots of shiatsu. I also learned it’s not enough to fill the head, practice and feelings are essential. I develop and experienced all this on his side.

At the same time, I go in a zen dojo to meditate.

In 2006, the zen monk who supervises the dojo proposed to me to share my experience and to organize meditation workshops.

In 2014, I join the team of Ecole Européenne de massage in Brussels.

Others persons will refine my sensitivity: Kyoko Kishi and Frans Copers in Seiki Soho, Raphaël Piotto and Jean-Marc Weill in Traditionnal chinese medicine, Bernard Bouheret, Ohashi Senseï in shiatsu, Master Sun in therapeutic Qi Gong.

Several trips in Asia allowed me to feel these roots.

My sportiv pratices, ultra-trail, horse riding, free diving, mountaineering, allowed me to know the needs in such case and to adapt my work.

My practices are my passion and I share this in the appointments, workshops, in my teachings.

Time Line

Bio - Fabian Bastianelli - shiatsu

In Shiatsu

2020: co-founder of Odo shiatsu

March 2018: . meridians psychology – Ohashi 

Fluidic shiatsu – Bernard Bouheret

From january to june 2018: TCM: pathological scales – JM Weill

November 2017: . “ The importance of the shen and pain in TCM” – Laurent Turlin

November 2017: . elected to the administration council of the UFPST (French professional union of therapeutic shiatsu practitioners)

March 2017: the 16 energetics gates – Bernard Bouheret

2014 to now: teacher at EEM in Brussels

2008 to 2011: first level teacher in Yoseido Shiatsu Academy

2006 to 2011: assistant of Yuichi KAwada

2001 to 2004: yoseido shiatsu – Yuichi Kawada

In Seiki

September 2019: seiki Soho in Japan with Kyoko Kishi

December 2018: Seiki soho – Frans Copers

November 2018: Seiki soho – Kyoko Kishi

December 2017: Seiki soho – Frans Copers

November 2017: Seiki soho – Kyoko Kishi

December 2016: Seiki soho – Frans Copers

November 2016: Seiki soho – Kyoko Kishi

In Méditation

2019 and 2016: healing meditation retreat – Phakyab Rinpoche

2004: shinto meditation – Yushiko Kawada

1999 to 2009: Zen meditation – Roland Yuno Reich

1992 to 1998: tibetan meditation – Lama Karta


June 2019 : spontaneous qi gong – Sun Le

March 2019: Ayurveda basics – Anne Verbist

January 2019: spontaneous qi gong – Master Sun

June 2018: New warrior training adventure – MKP Belgium

2015: Ethic and deontology – Bernard Filleul