Shiatsu & sport

Shiatsu & sport

I was already talking about it a bit in my presentation: I did and I still do a lot of sport (s).I like to meet training and discover new exploration grounds. I especially need to experiment, to go through my body to understand.I started early enough with athletics...


My name is Fabian Bastianelli, I was born in 1974 in Belgium.I am curious about life and like to ask questions.Shiatsu is my main activity. I run an integrative therapy center, the Résonances center in Huy (Belgium) in which I practice shiatsu, give meditation...
The 4 seasons of diagnosis

The 4 seasons of diagnosis

The 4 forms of diagnosis: boshin, bunshin, monshin and setsushin are a mainstay of our practice. When I was at Yoseido shiatsu academy, I often heard Kawada sensei discuss many themes that made up the thought of Japan and the spirit of our practice: Buddhism, Zen, a...
At the roots of shiatsu

At the roots of shiatsu

For some time now, I have noticed a certain dichotomy sometimes going as far as splitting concerning the practice of shiatsu and its breeding ground. These exchanges inflame futile ideological debates but the questioning remains a rich teaching exercise. The root of...