These last years have carried the cries of men. Those who claim growth, those who demand rights. Claims of cultures, colors, gender.

Are there boundaries between self and “others”? Whether they are human or not…

Listening and looking around, nature also cries out more and more blatantly.


What a man does impacts and influences those around him. Goods and commodities are exchanged in all directions on our planet. Behind these “things”, there are people who do them. We are all interconnected. So, when a man looks at another living being, if he can recognize himself in it, it erases the very idea of separation.

In recent times, we have gone from the cry of “save the planet” to that of “we must save humanity”.

What should we save?

The human race or humanity?

We are talking about the upcoming 6th mass extinction.

It gets angry, it gets angry, it stresses.

Saving the human race is quite a challenge in view of the global process initiated.

Saving humanity opens the door to other perceptions that go far beyond our current knowledge and understanding.

Our scientists have shown and demonstrated to us the evolution of living kingdoms. The amoeba has associated and creates a multicellular system, the fungus and the algae have invented a shared structure that we call lichen. One day an aquatic being was able to adapt to the air, the feathers replaced scales, the feathers lengthened and a leap into the void, the outstretched growths, a reptile hovered.

We learned all of this in school. We have learned that evolution is like turning the page in a science book.

Is it good so?

Is it just a page turned? And how thick on this page?

The thickness is the duration that these evolutions may have taken…

From the height of our pride as a man who believes himself capable of understanding and mastering everything, are we not, we human beings, in full transformation?

Neanderthal man had taken precedence over others, homo erectus looked down on him and sapiens won the race. This is what we see today. The race continues.

Isn’t there another Homo in the making to replace sapiens? Maybe without all this competition but with a real collaborative spirit.

Like the caterpillar which, when the day comes, feeling the pressure inside, must shut itself up in its cocoon and let nature take its course, isn’t its nature, the pressure we feel an invitation to surpass the human?

Does the water molecule fear the confinement of the drop or the vastness of the ocean?

Does it refuse the crystallization of the cold or the lightness of the cloud?

Above the waterfall, has the water, an assembly of a multitude of molecules, ever slowed down for fear of falling?

A large part of our DNA has been completed by the viruses that enter an organism which, by “defending” itself, improves the code, finding a new balance.

Our immune system depends, among other things, on the viruses, bacteria and fungi present in our intestines. The better the diversity, the better the response.

In our ability to control everything, to confine ourselves, to invent and build what allows us to believe in our free evolution, is there not a deeper, more hidden, much more subtle call from Nature that pushes us to let go and let it go? To open up to more?

Should man remain man as we know him?

A long time ago, did a monkey dream of a man in the making? Did Neanderthals think of turning into sapiens?

I do not believe that. Changes happen, whatever we do, crises or not.

Failing to keep the human kingdom, shouldn’t we seek more humanity?

This necessarily implies a profound transformation of our limiting beliefs.

This invites not to think but to live concepts such as respect and tolerance.

This forces us to take our own responsibilities instead of placing them on the shoulders of an elected official who will never live up to our expectations.

This invites action instead of stagnating in reflection…

By plunging into our humanity, isn’t this an invitation to go beyond the human?

In a specist evolution that we are not capable of thinking, dreaming or even imagining… not yet…



Read also “Ecosystems vs egosystems”