Devil or demon points?

Devil or demon points?

Some time ago, a student of Kawada sensei asked me to explain his approach to tsubo which he calls “devil’s points”. It took me back years, a nice invitation to revisit my past lessons.To better understand our practice of shiatsu, we must also...
Between light and matter

Between light and matter

“Sometimes it’s hard to sit on a cloud when you’ve decided to stand inside yourself. ” The man that I am, however, accepts that I am just a man. I abandon myself, I abandon myself to be only the one who seeks sensations, a quest for intoxication of...
Essential shiatsu

Essential shiatsu

I look around me and see lost peoples. I listen and hear the pain, the difficulties, the fears, the doubts, the envy to return to oneself, the need to feel alive.   After these month of oscillation between the practice of shiatsu and the wait, searching the...