Karma, like a boomerang.

In the great religions of Asia, the law of karma...
Marvelous vessels and meridians – space and time

Marvelous vessels and meridians – space and time

In the previous article, I told about the meeting of an ovum and a spermatozoon, the cellular engendering and the development of the energy circuits appearing in the first hours following creation.   In this article, I will try to take you to the way in which...

Extraordinary meridians: from the Big Bang to the unity

Extraordinary meridians: from the Big Bang to the unity

Sit down, take a deep breath. Feel the air entering your nostrils and inflating your lungs. Exhale. Feel your body. Let him relax on each exhale. Imagine. A caulked cell deep in the uterus. A cocktail of hormones which stirs, which agitates it, which triturate it,...

Jing, Qi, Shen, winners for life

Jing, Qi, Shen, winners for life

J’entends énormément de palabres autour de ces 3 mots. Je ne parle volontairement pas de concepts car ces 3 n’en sont pas puisqu’ils représentent, ils incarnent oserais-je écrire, le principe même de la vie. Les mots qui voudraient définir ces 3 notions ne seraient...

The 3 treasures are only one!

The 3 treasures are only one!

Dans un article précédent, je séparais ces 3 entités, Sei (Jing en chinois), ki (Qi) et Shin (Shen), nommés les 3 trésors dans la littérature, pour expliciter lors différents rôles. J'utiliserai les mots japonais Sei, Ki et Shin au lieu des mots chinois, jing, qi et...

Beyond human

Beyond human

These last years have carried the cries of men. Those who claim growth, those who demand rights. Claims of cultures, colors, gender. Are there boundaries between self and “others”? Whether they are human or not... Listening and looking around, nature also cries out...

Devil or demon points?

Devil or demon points?

Some time ago, a student of Kawada sensei asked me to explain his approach to tsubo which he calls "devil's points". It took me back years, a nice invitation to revisit my past lessons.To better understand our practice of shiatsu, we must also immerse ourselves in the...

Marvelous Vessels and fractal nature

Marvelous Vessels and fractal nature

These last days, I was reviewing videos of Nassim Haramein and Bruce Lipton. The first  one talking about unified sciences, the second about cell biology and how an environment influences the cell. Everyone, in their own way, used words that were already spoken a long...

Between light and matter

Between light and matter

“Sometimes it's hard to sit on a cloud when you've decided to stand inside yourself. " The man that I am, however, accepts that I am just a man. I abandon myself, I abandon myself to be only the one who seeks sensations, a quest for intoxication of the senses,...

Essential shiatsu

Essential shiatsu

I look around me and see lost peoples. I listen and hear the pain, the difficulties, the fears, the doubts, the envy to return to oneself, the need to feel alive.   After these month of oscillation between the practice of shiatsu and the wait, searching the...